
I am here to thrive & evolve

in this sacred body of

eros + bone

I’m excited you’re here; Where I share my heart-cries & cravings; My lifelong experience with the performing arts. The desire for sacredly held spaces. Experimental healing arts and new ventures with words, nature, ancient wisdom and totality.

Using my body’s first language: body movement, breathing practices, yoga, poetry, sound & touch.

I am here; Weaving dreams with life, through my own body of movement, healing, experiences.

To encourage capacity

To create more bliss

To alchemize fear into fuel!

My journey with movement, performance and body’s began before this incarnation and remains a staple in my adult life. Continuing the unfurl, deepening awareness, re-imagining old stories, to be carved into the majesty of being in a body. To live in the sacredness in my heart; this Divine Feminine fire.

I came here to create. to connect, and share more fully. To open, to the medicine moving patiently through me. My blood filled veins; flowing wide. deep. More gently as of late; through many portals of transformation. New found wells of devotion, determination, alchemically enlivening every inch of my body; full; beauty full; eyes of the beholder wild still. vulnerable as it feels, aliveness is it’s direct request! you’re presence necessary!

eros + bone

Seeking ever greater wholeness, ever deeper contact; to all parts of this living life.

…there’s so much more!

