Welcome to: infused; a movement meet up series. (iMM=infusedMovementMeetup)
a monthly, LIVE; one hour virtual gathering
guided movement for bodies; inspiring souls who crave connected places of exploration and discovery; to deepen curiosity, flow in conscious sensation, expand awareness and, nurture your true essence of play as we remember together. To DANCE!
series #9: gaga infusion
—Sunday, March 31st; 3pm PST—
gaga = gaga is a movement language. created to liberate your body and mind, connect to the radical possibility within your imagination, awakening pleasure and creativity, inviting your collaboration, sound, and your own touch to deepen and enrich your life experience.
Mission: to greet + treat + tune the body - with gratitude, movement, grace and rigor.
infused is also committed to bringing practical practices, for everyday life, to stay present in your body & aware of your energy. With your vital breath and essence in this ever evolving, expanding experience of what it is to be committed to radical truth, vitality and magic!
Shot amidst huge shifts and awakenings in my life. Unwinding from the tangle life often leaves you dialed into.