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Dance+Soul Flow

—guided improv/movement space-range

1st Tuesday of each mo. @11:11am PST

your body grooves + guided imaginings + building sensation & awareness

Gaga Infused movement language & techniques, designed to awaken your senses.

enlive your aliveness!

*NO previous dance experience required; dancers & non-dancers welcome

… Rigor & Clarity… b12Berlin

Curated space to play!

To learn and expand your connection to sound, body rhythms, release beating each turning head first

footsteps in the rink, now we in the arena; twist…

…dive in… too

Bones fold unfurling 

Angles Curves

wild free styles 

…expand your mind

…between joints are eyes…

Opening deeper heart spaces collide…

where life is fueled or, too tight to be moved?

you get to choose!

beautiful you

Join me in fueling new grooves,

Private group classes and choreographic inquiries available here or through my agent here!

intermediate/advanced levels required for all choreography—


crafting new pathways!

It’s also a time of softening…

Wild, gentle & loudly!

What are you moving towards?

What are the threads… through lines? 

What do you dare ?

How do you in-spire ? 

The audacity you have…

Oh, the awe-dance-city you are!!!!!

how dare you! Be

April 23


May 27

Moveology-’WiggleYourWay’; Monthly Movement Magic